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Welcome to our Careers and World of Work section. Our vision is to encourage self-awareness, confidence and independence so students can make informed decisions about their future.

Careers TeamCA1

  • Assistant Head Teacher responsible for Careers: Cath Murphy
  • Careers Lead: Keroneque McNabb-Henry
  • Careers Officer: Ruth Turner
  • Link Governors: Zahra Malik

Contact us at careers@langleyacademy.org or call 01753 214463.

The Langley Academy is an Affiliate Member of The Careers Development Institute (CDI).

Our CEIAG (Careers Education Information and Guidance) programme is inclusive of all students in all year groups and our Careers Policy can be found HERE, along with our Provider Access Policy. We want our students to be able to make informed choices about their future and we partner with many external organisations to help us achieve this goal.

Our programme follows the Gatsby Benchmarks and we work with the Careers & Enterprise Company to monitor our progress in meeting these benchmarks which are:

  1. A stable careers programme ​
  2. Learning from careers and labour market information ​
  3. Addressing the needs of each student.
  4. Linking curriculum learning to careers.
  5. Encounters with employers and employees.
  6. Experiences of workplaces.
  7. Encounters with further and higher education.
  8. Personal guidance.

See: www.gatsby.org.uk/education/focus-areas/good-career-guidance for detailed information on the Gatsby Benchmarks.

Careers Education

Careers lessons for every year group take place during our House Tutor programme during terms 2 and 4 for years 7 to 12, and also term 6 for year 12. The curriculum is a spiral one that aims to address the needs of students at each stage in their TLA journey ultimately making them ready for the world of work. More information can be found under the Careers Education tab below.


We have signed up with Unifrog as our careers platform and every student has an account. Unifrog is used in our careers lessons and students are encouraged to use it for independent careers research, to build their own portfolio and CV as well as for their UCAS personal statements.  For more information on Unifrog please click on the Unifrog tab.

Career Resources

We have a range of Careers resources– books, leaflets and prospectuses – available to students in the Careers Area, the main school Library and the 6th Form Library.  Careers meetings take place in the Careers Hub in the main building and students can drop in to speak to the Careers Officer at any time. Students can also access careers information by signing into Unifrog or the Adviza Portal or using the information and website links on this webpage.

Careers noticeboards are used to promote careers events, work experience or volunteering opportunities, college and university open days, etc.

Careers Guidance

We partner with Adviza who provide qualified Careers Advisers to meet with every student in Year 10 and 11 to help them make the best choice for their future. Students from every year group can request a careers meeting with the Careers Officer to discuss their options or get support with applications, CVs, etc. The Careers Officer will refer them for a meeting with Adviza where appropriate.

To support the work that Adviza do in school students, parents and carers can also access ‘The Careers Guidance For You portal’ which contains information and advice for students, parents and teachers. Please go to the Adviza tab for more information.

Getting Work Ready

We believe in the importance of work-related learning and employer engagement for our students and aim to give them a mix of live interaction with employers and virtual work experiences. We partner with ‘Learning to Work’ who organise off timetable events such as workplace visits, employer talks, Enterprise activities and Careers Fairs for our students from Year 7 up to and including 6th Form. To find out more about work related learning and work experience please go to the Work Ready tab below.

CA3Parents & Carers; Employers & Training Providers – we need your help!

We are very keen to build links with local organisations so that our students can engage meaningfully with employers and training providers.  This could involve supporting us with:

  • Special Assemblies
  • Careers related Speakers/workshops
  • Careers Fair in March
  • HE/Apprenticeship Fair in early Autumn
  • CV and Interview Practice sessions
  • Work Experience or Work Insight Days

In order to continually improve our provision we also welcome feedback from anyone who engages with our careers programme.

If you think you could provide feedback or help support us with any of the above, please email careers@langleyacademy.org

Any training providers wishing to present to our students are referred to our Provider Access Policy which can be found HERE.

Please click on the expandable sections below for further useful information.


Who are Adviza?

Adviza was established in 2001 as Connexions Berkshire, delivering careers guidance as part of a national Connexions service under direct contract from central government. In 2006 the Connexions budget was devolved to local authorities, and in 2008 we successfully bid for the Connexions contracts for Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire. That same year the renamed Connexions Thames Valley became a registered charity (1132201). In July 2012 the charity's name was changed to Adviza in a rebranding exercise.

Adviza aims to inspire and support young people and adults to progress in learning and work. We aim to raise people’s aspirations, motivate them to achieve their full potential and support them when they have to make key decisions about their future. The work we do can help transform lives and we never forget it.

  • We work in partnership with schools and colleges providing careers information, advice and guidance for pupils
  • We produce the school careers resources eCLIPS and Careers Planet
  • We offer paid-for services for individuals including careers guidance sessions and Morrisby assessments, and have a bursary scheme so those who are eligible can get these free of charge.

The Careers Guidance for You Portal includes careers information by year group, latest news and details of upcoming events, such as webinars and open days, plus regular labour market information (LMI). It also gives access to the comprehensive eCLIPS careers information resource and to an exclusive webchat service to talk live to a qualified Careers Advisers. The portal is for use by students, parents/carers and school staff who have contract with Adviza - to use the live webchat and to book an event you will be asked to give your name and the name of your child’s school and year group.

You can access the portal on this link  www.adviza.org.uk/careers-guidance-for-you and watch a video tour of the portal on the homepage that will provide additional assistance for navigating the site and finding helpful information to support career exploration and planning.

How do I book a webinar or event? You’ll find our upcoming webinars under Events on the menu bar. When you book you will be asked to register to make a booking.  This will include your name and email address. You will also be asked the name of your/your child’s school, and your/their year group. We need this information so that we can check eligibility and to ensure the booking confirmation and joining instructions are sent to you.

We hope to record all of the employer webinars, but have to ensure we have their permission to do so. Where permission is given we will record these and put links to them in the Students, Parents/carers and Teachers sections of the portal.

Webchat is available 9.30 – 5.00 p.m. Monday – Friday and is staffed by Advisers who are qualified to Level 6 in Careers Guidance. During busy times and if an Adviser is unavailable to respond immediately, there is a message facility and an Adviser will respond as soon as they become available.

Webchat will not be staffed on a full-time basis during the school holidays. Any users will be able to use the messaging facility and an Adviser will respond within 2 days.

Webinars – If you do not receive confirmation of a booking for a webinar please email careersguidance@adviza.org.uk

Webchat – students/parents/carers can access this via the portal Monday to Friday 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Webchat will be staffed by a Level 6 trained Adviser at all times.

eCLIPS careers information resource. Catering for all abilities and stages, eCLIPS supports students to explore the full range of opportunities and make informed decisions for their future.

  • Up-to-date information on 1400+ careers
  • Live labour market information
  • Careers by school/college subjects
  • Education and employment choices
  • Career matching tool

Careers Guidance Meetings

Students in Years 10 and 11 will receive a 1-2-1 guidance meeting or participate in small group (4 students) guidance sessions with a L6 Qualified Careers Adviser.  These meetings are to ensure students are aware of all the options available to them Post 16, to show them how and where to search for careers information on specific sectors or jobs, help them decide what kind of career best suits them and help them find suitable courses at 6th  Form or College or find out more information on Apprenticeships.  Students will come away from their meeting with a better understanding of how to plan their Post 16 destination and with an idea of how to progress on their chosen career path.  Students can request follow up meetings with the Careers Officer.

Students in Year 12 and 13 can request a guidance meeting through the academy’s Careers Officer.

Students in the lower years can be referred to Adviza by their Tutor, RSL or the Careers Officer if the Adviza portal doesn’t meet their needs.


What is an Apprenticeship?

An apprenticeship is a paid job with free training either at college or with a Training Provider  – leading to a nationally recognised qualification plus experience and skills necessary to a particular career. You can even get a degree apprenticeship which means no student loan! Apprenticeships last for at least a year and can continue for up to six years for a degree level apprenticeship.

Pay:  Apprentices are paid at least the National Minimum Wage - the actual amount differs between sectors and employers, with some choosing to pay above this minimum amount.  After their first year apprentices will be entitled to the National Minimum Wage or National Living Wage for their age.

From April 2023 the National Minimum Wage rates are:

16 – 17 year old - £5.28/hour

18 – 20 year old – £7.49/hour

21 – 22 year old – £10.18/hour

National Living Wage = £10.42/hour

All apprentices are eligible for an NUS Apprentice Extra card which provides access to a range of fantastic discounts. NUS Apprentice extra

Hours: Apprentices work at least 30 hours a week and get 20 days of paid holiday plus bank holidays.

Job retention: Most employers retain their apprentices after they have completed their training. Why wouldn’t they?

Sectors: The most popular sector for Apprenticeships is health and social care, but business, finance, engineering and construction are growing.  Apprenticeships are now offered across 170 industries. 

Levels: Apprenticeships are available at three levels:

  • Intermediate Level 2 (equivalent to GCSE)
  • Advanced Level 3 (equivalent to A Levels)
  • Higher Levels 4-7 Higher and Degree Apprenticeships are equivalent to university level study, from Foundation to Masters.

Entry requirements:

  • Intermediate level apprenticeships from no qualifications required to 5 GCSE’s at Grade 4 and above.
  • Advanced level Apprenticeships will normally require 5 GCSE’s at Grade 5 and above or can follow on from an Intermediate Apprenticeship.
  • Higher Levels will require at least 2 A levels, or relevant L3 NVQs or BTECs.

Student Apprenticeship Guide: For students in years 12 to 13

What is a traineeship?

A Traineeship is for young people 16-24 who aren’t quite ready for an apprenticeship. It is a skills development programme that includes a work placement and can last from 6 weeks up to 1 year, though most traineeships last for less than 6 months. It includes a work placement of 70 hours or more, help in getting the skills needed to get an apprenticeship, help writing a CV, a job interview and employer feedback as well as help with English, maths and basic digital skills if needed.  You won’t be paid but you may be given expenses for things like travel or meals.

For more information on Apprenticeships or to see current vacancies and how to apply see:

The Apprenticeship Guide for Care Experienced Young People aims to provide all the information a young person with care experience needs to know to consider apprenticeships as their next step.

This new resource covers the benefits of apprenticeships, how to apply, the all-important added financial and practical support available for apprentices with care experience and much more. 

Download now

Careers Education

Each year group has lessons that are focused around a specific theme. The themes are as follows:

  • Year 7 - What essential skills do I need to be successful in my future career
  • Year 8 - How does school help with my career- my options
  • Year 9 - Developing my skills while learning from the labour market
  • Year 10 - Exploring and experiencing the world of work
  • Year 11 - Developing me- today & tomorrow
  • Year 12 - Preparing for the world of work
  • Year 13 - All about my brand

Below shows the lessons for term 2 as an example of how we explore each theme:


In addition to our careers lessons we liaise with employers, external FE and HE training providers to attend Careers, Apprenticeship and University fairs, special assemblies and careers talks.

Any training providers wishing to present to our students are referred to our Provider Access Policy which can be found above and also under the Essential Information tab.


Parents’ Guide & STEM Guide

The Parents’ Guide from Success at School has been designed to help parents support their children in making informed decisions about their future, and develop the correct skills to help them succeed.

The STEM Guide explores the full range of secondary and A-level STEM subjects, to help young people to understand more about careers in the STEM field. This comprehensive guide has been designed to showcase just how creative, exciting and rewarding a career in STEM can be.

To access the guides, parents and carers just need to sign up to Success At School’s special parents' mailing list.

Sign up now

Apprenticeships - Parents and Carers Pack

Amazing Apprenticeships issue a monthly Parents’ & Carers’ Pack which includes articles that explore the different types of apprenticeships on offer, highlighting current vacancies and top employers.  

Access the latest copies of the Parent's Pack hereThe Parent Perspective Podcast

An exciting podcast series for parents and carers, helping them to support their children with careers advice and guidance

Find the latest podcast here

Careermag - For Parents, Carers & Guardians

We recognise that Parents and Guardians can have a huge influence on a young person's next steps. When asked by their teenager 'What should I do next?' many parents can feel overwhelmed. So much has changed since they left school/college, which is why Careermag for Parents, Carers and Guardians aims to inform parents so their young people can feel supported - whether they'd like to go to University, do an Apprenticeship, Work Experience or T Levels. 

Please click on the link below to access the latest Careermag.


Apprentice Nation

Apprentice Nation is an early careers platform supporting young people to develop the skills they need to shape their future, whether that is applying for jobs, being in the workplace or looking after their wellbeing.  They engage with authentic music artists and industry experts to create content that inspires and motivates young people to take the next steps on their career path.

They have developed the Apprentice Nation Parent Pack aimed specifically for parents/carers of students aged 16 and over to help you support your child. You can download it below.

Apprentice Nation Parent Pack



Careers information for Teachers

Gatsby Benchmark 4 – Linking Learning to Careers

  • For information on what linking learning to careers means please click this link:


  • For resources to help support subject teaching staff meet Benchmark 4 above please click on this link:


Unifrog for Teachers - Upcoming events & How to Guides and Videos

Find out about upcoming events for teachers here: https://www.unifrog.org/events/for-teachers

Some useful guides to using Unifrog as a teacher are below:

  • Adding tasks as interactions – Video Duration: 7 minutes

How to add interactions to a Year group

Staff- adding BLYP tasks as interactions

  • Adding 1-1s as interaction – Video Duration: 6 minutes

Adding interactions to one student on a 1-2-1 perspective

Staff- adding 1-1s as interactions

  • Adding general interactions - Video Duration: 8 minutes

How to add an Interaction to a Year group and see the students view of ‘What’s coming up’

Staff- adding general interactions

Other How To Guides can be found by logging in to your account, select Resources from across the top and scroll down to How to ... use Unifrog. 

If you don’t have an account or have any problems accessing your account please email ruth.turner@langleyacademy.

Student Destinations

Work Ready

The Academy will liaise with local company ‘Learning to Work’ to provide students in Year 10 and Year 12  with a Business Insight visit to a local company.  Students will visit an organisation as part of a group of 30 students where they will have the opportunity to experience a workplace first hand, interacting with employees and undertaking an industry task. Year 12 will also attend a Work Ready Conference at a local business venue where they will engage with local business volunteers. Details will be sent to parents/carers.

Year 10 and 12 students will also have the opportunity to find their own in-person placement that they can attend on specific dates during the last week of the summer term. Although we won’t be providing in-person work experience placements for students, we will prepare and support them in finding their own work experience. Students must use the Placement Tool in Unifrog to organise their own placement to ensure it is safe and authorised. Year 10 and 12 students and their parents/carers will receive an email with work experience dates and instructions on how to use the Unifrog Placement tool.  Students should give this letter to any employer offering them a work placement.   

Students are encouraged to take part in virtual or in-person work experience during their own time so as not to detract from curriculum/classroom time. For Year 10 this could happen over the summer before they start Year 10, during the year and extend into the summer before they begin Year 11. Year 12 should gain relevant work experience during the school year including the summer holidays after Year 11 and before Year 13.  We encourage any students finding in-person work experience to organise this through the Unifrog tool to ensure the placement is safe.

Opportunities for work experience, employer webinars and talks are advertised on the Careers Noticeboards, in Future You publications, on Teams pages and by email.

In addition, we encourage students from Year 9 upwards to participate in virtual work experience during their own time and to record this as an Activity on Unifrog. Employers value quality virtual work experience and participation in these demonstrates that students are dedicated, enthusiastic and prepared to put in the work. Some excellent platforms are shown below and we also recommend that students sign up for pathwayctm.com – an organisation that offers great resources, benefits and work experience for young people.


Unifrog home mobileUnifrog is a complete destinations platform, a one-stop-shop for whole-school careers guidance, KS3-KS5. All available information is in one single, impartial, user-friendly platform that helps students make the best, choices, and submit the strongest applications.

Every student at the Academy has an account with Unifrog and will be using it during Careers lessons. We are asking parents and carers to encourage their children to sign in and use it at home. Please see the attached presentation, video and letter which will provide you with all the information you need to access Unifrog. If you have any questions, please email ruth.turner@langleyacademy.


Introduction video to Unifrog

Unifrog Parent Letter

Unifrog Parent Presentation

Access Unifrog

Useful Websites

In addition to Unifrog, UCAS and Adviza please find below some other useful websites to help you discover the best career path for you. They have been put into categories but some crossover. Happy exploring!

Explore careers, Labour Market Information, find a course, find a job, find an apprenticeship.

National Career Service

Berkshire Opportunities

All About School Leavers


Not Going To Uni

Apprentice Nation

Target Careers


Student Job

Work Finder

Youth Employment

Elevate Me (Berkshire)

Elevate Me (Slough)

Informed Choices

Your Game Plan – Access to Free Industry Recognised Soft Skills Digital Courses, CV Builder, Job Hub and Advice Centre

Advice on careers and GCSE/A Level options, etc.

I Could

Success at School

Career Pilot

Take a career matching quiz or assess your skills

National Careers Service

All About School Leavers


I Could


Step in to the NHS

For Parents/Carers

Parental Guide

Online Learning Courses

Future Learn


Your Game Plan – Access to Free Industry Recognised Soft Skills Digital Courses, CV Builder, Job Hub and Advice Centre