DT, Food & Textiles


Please click on the link below to view the Curriculum Map for DT, Food & Textiles.

Curriculum Map - DT


In DT we pride ourselves on delivering a curriculum that supports students not only with practical and design based skills suitable for an ever developing digital world, but also with skills that can support their development into functional everyday positive members of society.

Practical based learning allows Maths skills to be put into practice in real life situations, vital health and safety skills are taught to help to protect students not only in school but in real world situations. We strive to teach DT in a way in which students are asked to confront Moral, social and environmental considerations whilst challenging and overcoming ageing gender stereotypes.

Nurturing creativity ensures that students are able to achieve the best possible academic results by thinking “outside of the box”, but also bringing these positive thought patterns to enhance their lives in general.

We should never overlook the importance of practical skills in our everyday lives and DT can equip us to be able to challenge ourselves to tackle those DIY jobs that we would usually outsource. This confidence can help our students develop a growth mindset and encourage them to challenge themselves wherever they can to achieve their true potential in life.

To find out more about what DT is and why we need it watch the 'What is DT?' video below.


Food Technology is delivered by staff with professional experience of the Hospitality & Catering industry. From Key stage 3, learners develop a multitude of skills in preparation and cooking techniques from modern and classic European influence to their own native and cultural influences. In key stage 4 learners experience aspects of the hospitality and catering industry and plan their own menus. We strive to engage our students in Food technology engaging in both practical and theory elements within all our lessons and develop an understanding of how Food benefits society’.


The Textiles curriculum is designed to increase students’ depth and breadth of understanding and appreciation of Textiles in our lives today. It aims to provide students with a variety of experiences that allow them to be creative, think for themselves, allow their imagination to flourish and make independent decisions about the direction of their work. Creative problem solving and creative risk taking are encouraged, as is the importance of reflecting on and evaluating their work in order to plan for progression. 

The Textiles curriculum is carefully constructed to teach, and allow students to build knowledge and core skills in relation to Textiles equipment, materials, processes and techniques. As students grow in their confidence and understanding, they are given greater opportunities to develop mastery in areas of interest and have greater freedom to explore a wide variety of ideas. Skills can be taught and learnt, as can creativity. An understanding of the importance of promoting resilience, resourcefulness and an ability to reflect and refine also underpins the curriculum.